Monday 21 January 2013


HELLO ONCE AGAIN!   Yup another blog post about PAPER CUT. Mr Charles insist on giving us  this assignment to understand the concept behind it. This is another task that we have to do is to make pieces of paper cut designs and artworks to paste it on the mounting board . I have chose and designed my own personal PAPER CUTS to represent each and every principle. You can see the forms, shapes and all kinds of designs that i will show you throughout this post. 


placement of non-identical forms to either side of a balancing point in such a way that the two sides seem to be of the same visual weight..


 Symmetrical balance is mirror image balance. If you draw a line down the centre of the page, all the objects on one side of the screen are mirrored on the other side (they may not be identical objects, but they are similar in terms of numbers of objects, colours and other elements. Sometimes they are completely identical (often seen in architecture).

theme : Squirrels 


Rhythm in design is also called repetition . Rhythm allows your designs to develop an internal consistency that makes it easier for people to understand. Once the brain recognises the pattern in the rhythm it can relax and understand the whole design. Repetition rarely occurs on its own and so it imbues a sense of order onto the design. And because of this, repetition attracts attention and prompts people to investigate further.


Unity is the feeling that everything fits together.  It is a feeling of oneness.  The opposite of unity is disunity, a feeling of disorder.  In art, unity is often achieved by the repetition of a shape, a color or another visual element.  Another method is simplicity.  Simplicity is the use of one major color, kind of shape or element to unify a work.

Variety is often said to be the spice of life.”  In art, variety is like a spice.  A totally unified work is likely to be boring if it has no variety.  Variety is the use of contrasting elements to make something interesting.   The contrast, or difference, may be subtle, such as a slight change in texture or color within an area.  It may be more obvious, such as a sharp difference in the materials, sizes of shapes, color or lighting.  Just as we appreciate unity and variety in nature, we seem to want unity and variety in our lives - and in our art.


Dynamic composition on the other hand, uses many diagonal lines. Diagonals are somewhat unsettling, which results in a sense of movement, energy, excitement that generates from a dynamic composition. 


Lacking in movement, action, or change, esp. in a way viewed as undesirable or uninteresting.


Dominance is about the focus given to a part of a work of art. It also helps to create unity as the eye is attracted to a key point then led around the image by pictorial elements. Dominance can be created by contrasting pictorial elements such as line, shape, tone, texture, direction, size or color.


Scale refers to overall size and proportion refers to relative size. Scale and proportion principles help the viewer organize an image and they can be used to create or minimize points of emphasis. If an object is out-of-scale or oddly proportioned, then it will create a point of emphasis. Also, large scale objects create obvious visual weight. We automatically perceive larger objects as closer and more important than smaller objects.
Proportion also pertains to the design of objects and their placement in the frame. For example, having the focal point dead-center is usually not very interesting, it is usually better placed along one of the “thirds”. The ancient Greeks studied mathematics and that it was the controlling force of the universe.

THATS ALL FOR NOW ;D It was one hectic and tiring project but I HAD FUN! :)

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