Monday 28 January 2013



Basically, Silent Hill is the name of the town in the series. The town is a bit secluded and small. It has the same layout and same key locations in every iteration, but everyone sees the town just a little different. In each of the games the main characters find themselves (willing or not) exploring the town and find it abandoned and filled with horrors. The particular dangers are different for each visitor, and they are always strange. This isn’t just a “zombie town”.

The film opens with a nightmare; a teenage girl, Heather Manson, is running away from men in black cloaks in Lakeside Amusement park , but wakes up when she encounters a dark ''doppleganger'' of herself who sets her on fire on the carousal. 

Her father, Christopher Da Silva comforts her, but is soon stabbed through the chest and killed by a monster with discs in its head, known as the Missionary.  Heather then awakens again, and realizes that she was still dreaming, and has been suffering nightmares that have been getting increasingly intense.

The next morning, it is revealed that Heather is a grown up Sharon Da Silva, and that both Sharon and Chris have adopted new aliases, Harry and Heather Mason, in order to hide from '' THE ORDER''  the cult. Chris has given Sharon strict orders to never visit Silent Hill. It is also revealed that Rose de silva is still trapped in Silent Hill, and in order to free her adopted daughter from the realm of the town, Rose located the Seal of metatron — although in order to do so, she sacrificed herself.

(Rose de silva)

(Seal of metatron)

 In doing this, Sharon lost many of her memories, is suffering from amnesia, and has forgotten the events that transpired in the first film. Instead, in order to keep his adopted daughter safe and give her a normal life, Chris has told Sharon that her adopted mother died in a car crash on the outskirts of Silent Hill, and that her nightmares are simply dreams. It is Heather's birthday, and Chris gives her a white vest as a present. The two embrace, and Heather leaves for her first day at a new school.

 On the way to school, Heather is confronted by a detective, who knows her true name is Sharon, and wants to speak to her. Heather refuses to speak with him, and during class, she reveals that she's been moving from town to town and school to school constantly for the past 6 years, and refuses to befriend any of the other students who ridicule her. After school, Heather begins to hallucinate an armless monster, and a vision of a little girl being teased by her classmates. Heather runs into Vincent cooper , who is also a new student at the school, but she rebuffs his advances.

Vincent reveals that he has feelings for Heather, and that he is a member of the Order who was born and raised in Silent Hill's alternate reality. He warns her to stay away from Silent Hill, but Heather causes the inn to shift to the Otherworld. Vincent is then kidnapped by the Missionary, and Heather is knocked unconscious. When she wakes, she finds herself in the Fog World.

She enters Silent Hill and meets Alessa's mother. She tells Heather that she is the manifestation of the good side of Alessa's soul, and that Alessa's rage controls Silent Hill. Heather tries to get Dahlia to tell her where Christopher is, but the Sirens go off and Dahlia urges Heather to take shelter and run as the world peels away around them. Heather then meets Suki,  a young woman who was dragged into the Otherworld when she got lost in Silent Hill. Heather tries to save Suki from a mannequin -like monster, but Suki is dragged away and killed.

Heather then goes to Brookhaven where she meets the grandfather of Vincent and the former leader of the Order. Leonard tells Heather that the Seal of Metatron reveals the "true nature of things" and that he has the other half, and shifts into a monster when she gives her half to him and completes it. Heather is able to remove the Seal from Leonard's body, killing him, and she goes to locate Vincent. 
She finds him in a room full of demonic nurses , who have just finished killing two members of the Order. She saves him, and the two go to Lakeside Amusement Park to find Chris.

At the park, Vincent kisses Heather and then distracts the sect of the Order. Heather makes her way to the carousel, where she meets Dark Alessa, the manifestation of the dark side of Alessa's soul. Dark Alessa morphs into Memory of Alessa, a darkened version of Heather. She tells Heather that they are one, and that she is a demon because she is the darkness of the soul. Heather and Alessa merge and become one person again, making Heather a complete incarnation of Alessa.

Heather finds the sanctuary beneath the amusement park, and tries to free her father. There, she is confronted by Claudia Wold , the new priestess of the Order and the mother of Vincent. Heather gives Claudia the Seal of Metatron. Because it reveals the true nature of one's self, Claudia transforms into the Missionary — at this point, it becomes clear that Claudia was the being who murdered Douglas, her pawn, and kidnapped Vincent in Jacks Inn. When Claudia attacks Heather, Pyramid Head , Alessa's "guardian and executioner", goes to Heather's defense, killing Claudia.

(claudia wold)


Upon returning to the entrance of Silent Hill, Vincent notices that the ashes have stopped falling, and Heather speculates that things will change, though Chris corrects her, claiming that it is still a town of lost souls. Chris, Vincent and Heather leave Silent Hill together, but Chris stops and turns back, saying that he must find Rose. He then disappears into the fog which disappears along with him, and Heather and Vincent return to reality.

So, after all the explanation of this movie and from what i think, i really love horror movie. IMMA BIG FAN. Even with the screaming and shouting, i never fail to stop watching HORROR movies. Otherwise, i don't really think '' SILENT HILL'' is a typical horror movie . Silent Hill is mostly a psychological & supernatural horror movie with a hint of surrealism. Personally, I think that the mystery shrouding the town is what keeps the viewer in suspense and glued to their seats. I admit that the curiosity of exactly what the term 'THE DARKNESS IS COMING' is what grips me and even after watching the 2nd installment, I am still puzzled about why that even happens, especially the part where the walls begin to peel away. It's as if the walls and doors are burnt and peeled away to reveal the truth & the ugliness/dark side of Silent Hill. It really amazed me that so many scenes that caught my attention . Especially the '' NURSE''. The nurse is my favourite among all because of their attacks and movement. Their movement and attacks were so unique and never seen in any horror movies before. 

This movie '' SILENT HILL RELEVATION'' had given me an idea for my SILHOUETTE. In conclusion, there are many inspiring scenes to help portray them in Silhouette. So, wait for my upcoming post of my personal Silhouette! :D



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